Encontre o seu melhor investimento

Agreement Opisas-Fiaip. Held also in Vicenza the seminar for Fiaip agents

29. outubro, 2013
Held in Vicenza Wednesday 23rd October was a workshop for agents of Federazione Italiana Agenti Immobiliari Professionali (FIAIP) of the area.
During the seminar, the agreement signed between Opisas and Fiap was explained together with the opportunities offered by the overseas property market.
This seminar was designed to offer the participants methodology, key skills and resources needed to effectively promote overseas real estate investments offered by OPISAS.  The higher than expected attendance at the event by delegates clearly a measure of the increasing interest and awareness of overseas property investment during a time of crisis for the domestic Italian property market.
For further information on how you too can benefit from a cooperation with OPISAS and to learn of other upcoming workshop events do contact us at +39 02 87188230 or write an email at italy@opisas.com.



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