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The role of property manager in a real estate investment in the USA

18. November, 2022

Investing abroad is obviously an interesting option when diversifying a portfolio, but it is very important to rely on professionals partners of proven experience.

A question frequently asked by our clients is: who looks after the daily administration of the property I purchased as a real estate investment in the USA?

It is easy to understand how that represents a very important aspect for those who chose to perform a real estate investment abroad, perhaps thousands of miles away.

The answer, though, is pretty straightforward: the Property Manager.

For instance, it is the Property Manager that finds the best tenants: he does so by selecting them accordingly to their financial score, the so called “Credit History”. It is an official index assigned to each American taxpayer, and it is taken in the highest account in the USA, since it affects the chances to access mortgages and scholarships, for instance.

Such index is determined by taking into account on-time payments, capacity used, length of credit history, types of credit used and past credit applications. By doing so, Property Managers can rely on solid and official data, in order to select reliable tenants with a good financial standing and, thus, presumably capable of regularly paying rentals.

This is only one of the many duties attended by these professionals, crucial for a proper and effective management of a real estate investment in the USA, and for consolidating a continuous yield over time.

But let’s proceed by grade: what exactly is a Property Manager? It is a company specialized in taking care of the daily administration of real estate, which performs routine inspections in order to check their good conditions, produces reports, collects rental fees, pays HOA and property taxes and, finally, deposits the net yield on the owner’s bank account.

It should seem clear now how the Property Manager is a highly relevant factor in formulating the equation of an excellent investment.

We would like to highlight a point that, in our experience, sometimes can generate a bit of perplexity: the costs of a property management company.

The Property Manager earns a predetermined percentage on paid rentals, already taken into account when we provide Net Yield data for our investments. Moreover, by purchasing the real estate investments proposed by OPISAS, the services related to inspections, payment of utilities, property tax and HOA, along with liaison with public –both federal and local – authorities and normally paid, are free of charge.

At this point, two conclusions should emerge: one is that the owner doesn’t need to worry about any additional costs for paying the Property Manager, the other that both of them have the same interest in always having a responsible and paying tenant in the building. Such convergence makes the Property Manager a natural ally to each owner, even more when considering he is in charge of augmenting rental fees accordingly to opportunity and rental market trends, with mutual benefit.

Given the several responsibilities and the consequent workload, it is no surprise that the world of Property Managers in highly competitive and unforgiving: for this specific reason, OPISAS relies on professionals which in some cases have several decades of experience, as proof of their skills, reliability and quality of the services provided.

We have been cooperating with them for over 14 years now, with mutual satisfaction and the sole purpose of providing our investors with the most complete, high profile and overall best service possible.

To sum up, the property manager is a professional figure which contributes to making a real estate investment in the USA profitable for its whole duration, and relieves the investor from a series of burden which, in turn, would require plenty of time and technical knowledge.

In fact, the investment model proposed by OPISAS enables you to combine maximized and continuous levels of yields with a fully delegated management of an investment.

For more information

For your U.S. real estate investments, you can write to to schedule an appointment with an advisor who is an expert of the U.S. real estate market.



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