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Nasce la partnership tra OPISAS ed il Senato della Repubblica Italiana

10. outubro, 2014

OPISAS, an international company specialised in overseas real estate investments, is proud to announce the recently signed agreement with Palazzo Madama (The Italian Senate).
Associates of the Italian Senate can now purchase overseas real estate investments through OPISAS and benefit from the services offered. Through the collective experience and knowledge of the market OPISAS is able to support clients in every step of overseas property acquisition, including: location and property recommendation, site and building inspections, legal and fiscal matters and a total property management solution that encompasses all aspects of real estate management such as tenant sourcing and utility payments. OPISAS guides its customers throughout the entire process helping clients in reaching their real estate investment goals by means of offering a full turn-key service of high-yielding investment and vacation properties.
This new cooperation with Palazzo Madama significantly contributes to OPISAS's growth adding further strength to the brand as it is acknowledged by another recognised and respected Italian institution. This agreement is preceded by other existing cooperations with: Employees of the Council of Ministers, the Italian Air Force, the Court of Auditors and the Italian Federation of Professional Real Estate Agents.
For a further information about OPISAS's current offerings, you can visit www.wordpress-1331166-4872115.cloudwaysapps.com or contact OPISAS directly at the following details:

e-mail       italy@opisas.com
telefono     +39 02 87188230



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