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Milano Finanza: OPISAS and FIMAA’s survey

12. enero, 2022

Recently, OPISAS and FIMAA were both mentioned in an article about Sinergie, an Italian event dedicated to real estate, published in the Italian newspaper “Milano Finanza«. 

Our speech during the event brought to light the data collected in the survey conducted by OPISAS, in collaboration with FIMAA’s Studies Office, entitled “Italians and real estate investments. Foreign customers and the Italian real estate market”.

Let’s see some data:

Did you know that 47.5% of those who consider investing in real estate have made at least one real estate purchase outside Italy?

«This study – says the national FIMAA’s president Santino Taverna – shows how the number of Italians investing in real estate is increasing., not only for a private house but also as a safeguard and put to good use their savings.»

«If we then think – continues Christian Calusa, CEO & Founder of OPISAS – that 2/3 of the savings of Italian households are invested in real estate and that among this 11%, 880 billion Euro, are investment properties, we understand the scale and relevance of this phenomenon.»



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