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Meeting with the Regional Council of FIAIP Lombardia

19. marzo, 2014

Held in Milan on Tuesday 18th March was a meeting between OPISAS and the Regional Council of Federazione Italiana Agenti Immobiliari Professionali (FIAIP) Lombardia.During the seminar the existing agreement signed between Opisas and FIAIP was explained in greater detail together with the current opportunities offered in the overseas property market.The meeting emphasised how international property promotion and investment is available not only to a few people and that this market can help all FIAIP members increase their business opportunities.All the provincial councillors present at the event have shown great interest on the subject of foreign real estate promotion and will soon be organising seminars in their respective provinces for all FIAIP members interested in taking an in depthlook into this new opportunity.

OPISAS would like extend a special thanks to regional president, Massimo Arena,for the availability and the organisation of the meeting and also to Luca Falvella for his technical support.

For more information on how you can benefit by working with OPISAS please contact us on 02 87188230 or e-mail at italy@opisas.com.



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