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Invest in Florida

21. August, 2024
Investire in Florida

The Best Investment Opportunities in the Sunshine State

Purchasing one or more properties in Florida is undoubtedly one of the best ways to invest in the United States. In addition to all the benefits offered by the world’s leading economy, such as landlord-friendly laws, the structure of the real estate market, and high rental yields, there are specific features of the Sunshine State that makes it an even safer and more advantageous investment.

Florida’s Economy

According to CNBC’s annual study—which includes 10 key categories and 128 metrics—Florida currently boasts the most promising economy in the United States. Under Governor Ron DeSantis’s administration in 2024, Florida has reduced spending, lowered taxes, increased teachers’ salaries, paid record amounts of state debt, generated a substantial budget surplus, and accelerated road and highway projects. All these actions have positively impacted the real economy, with a GDP growth of +3% in the first quarter of 2024 and unemployment falling below 3.3%. Workforce and access to capital are other strengths.

Among the few weaknesses highlighted by CNBC’s study is the cost of living. However, this paradoxically turns into an advantage for foreigners looking to invest in Florida: residents in the Sunshine State consider it normal to spend amounts that would be excessive elsewhere, such as rent for their homes.

Investing in Florida by purchasing properties to rent to workers and residents proves to be an opportunity not to be missed. It is an excellent, long-term, safe investment capable of generating immediate income and capital gains. Investing in the United States is particularly advantageous before the FED cuts interest rates.

Invest in Florida, Orlando

Among investment opportunities in Florida, those in the city of Orlando certainly deserve to be mentioned.

With over 2.5 million residents, Orlando is the fourth-largest city in Florida by population (after Jacksonville, Miami, and Tampa). Additionally, with 70 million tourists, Orlando is one of the most visited cities in the world, thanks to numerous events—especially fairs and exhibitions—and its world-renowned theme parks, including Walt Disney World Resort, other Disney attractions, Universal Orlando Resort, SeaWorld, Star Wars Launch Bay and various parks dedicated to the saga, Jurassic World, and many others.

Each of these parks involves thousands of workers, often coming from other states, seeking accommodations that are convenient for commuting, comfortable with the benefits offered by condos, and as “affordable” as possible: about $1,000 for singles or couples, around $1,600 for those with children and in need of a larger home. In addition to the direct workers in this specific segment of the entertainment industry, there are those who work in fairs and conventions and those generated by the industries supporting multimillion-dollar companies (catering, hotels, public and private transportation services).

Invest in Florida with Condos in Orlando

Opisas has identified the most convenient areas and acquired, renovated, or refurbished, where necessary, a series of apartments (primarily studios or one-bedroom units but also larger homes) located in Orlando’s condos. Additionally, Opisas has rented these units to workers, couples, or families before offering them for sale at discounted prices ranging from $85,000 to $175,000. Actual rental yields range from 6.8% to 7.63%, along with long-term appreciation, which is unpredictable at the time of purchase.

Visit invest in Orlando to see for yourself these investment opportunities in Florida, and review the purchase prices and actual returns for each individual property.

Invest in Florida: not just in Orlando

The Sunshine State offers investment opportunities beyond Orlando. To discover them, visit our other dedicated sections:

How to Invest in Florida

To take advantage of the opportunities presented in this blog by purchasing one or more income-generating properties in Florida and benefiting from the conditions and assistance that only Opisas can offer, email to schedule an appointment with a consultant who speaks your language.

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